A word the Lord has speaking over my life these days. I read over and over the stories of all that Jesus did with his time on earth. The miracles he performed were unfathomable, yet, He was more than able. He required so little of people to have their requests fulfilled. Asking him to give sight, raise the dead, let the deaf hear, and all he asked of them was faith. “Because of your faith, you have been healed” is what we read over and over.
God is limitless, He is the only one who has the power to do the impossible. There is no limit to what He can and cannot do. You may be reading this and think “but it really is impossible.” Maybe the diagnosis came back bad, maybe you’ve begged God for something your heart has desired, maybe you don’t know where the money to pay this months bills will come from, maybe the one you love has gone astray, or maybe you don’t think you can ever give up the temptations you fall into. Being in the hard moments you tend to put the problem under a microscope. You magnify on how bad it really is that you let it steal the joy of a miracle God has on the other side of the fear that it could never be done. I was reading in John tonight about the death of Lazarus. In verse 4 Jesus says this “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.” Have you ever thought that what you’re going through will be a testimony to the goodness and the power of Jesus? Because Jesus didn’t show up late to Lazarus’ healing appointment, he was late so he could raise him from the dead so that the Son would be glorified through it.
Zoomed in it’s hard think this way but when you take a step back and believe in the power of Jesus, you can and will get through every single circumstance by goodness of Jesus’ promises. I don’t need to know what you’re going through to tell you whether or God is able to work a miracle, I know He is no matter what the circumstance. Believe in who Jesus says He is, believe in the miracle.